Creating Your Own Sunshine

You can create your own sunshine. Yes, this sounds cliche, but it's the truth. YOU have the power over your own thoughts. 

I remember how radical it was for me when I first read about Dr. Kristen Neff's concept of self-compassion. The word self-compassion literally means be kind to yourself. This did not feel revolutionary because everyone says "You must take care of yourself before you take care of others." I remember rolling my eyes a little when I was gifted Dr. Neff's book. 

But, then I read it. And it changed my entire mindset. 

The Tenets of Self-Compassion 
1. Be Kind to Yourself - Does your inner voice sound like a best friend or a jerk? 
2. Recognize Our Shared Humanity - Do you see that all people have triumphs and failures or do you idealize perceived perfection? 
3. Hold Negative Thoughts in Mindful Awareness - Do you create meaning for your negative thoughts or do you recognize negative thoughts are just thoughts and they do not define you? 

Her research found if you practice self-compassion, you have more joy, more self-awareness, less reactive anger, and stronger relationships. Who doesn't want that?

Look inward and find your sunshine. You have the power to decide what story you are living in. 

Caroline Crawford