Let's Choose JOY

It’s time to stop comparing yourself to others. YOU are the only YOU. And you are worthy. Worthy of the next promotion, worthy of that raise, worthy of feeling powerful, and worthy of being included, respected, and loved. 

Every day we are flooded with posts and pictures of other peoples’ lives. We see them getting new jobs, receiving all the likes and comments, and posting attractive head shots. We scroll and we scroll looking at what other people have that we don’t have. We can’t help ourselves. 

And with every scroll, we can forget our shared humanity. 

Maybe the person who got the promotion has been waiting a decade for it. Maybe the person who finally got a job has been unemployed for years. Maybe the person with 500 likes has been creating content non-stop to get there. Maybe the person with the beautiful headshot is going through a terrible divorce. We don’t know. 

What we do know is we have the ability to own our own joy. Though the world seems to be on fire right now, what is something you are grateful for? What is a random act of kindness you can do for another? Saying gratitudes or doing an act of kindness are two PROVEN ways to increase your joy through Positive Psychology. 

Let’s choose JOY. 

Caroline Crawford